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Mazères, Gironde

O P E N I N G H O U R S & E N T R A N C E
Ancre 1
Nestled in a Nature protection zone Roquetaillade is a castle
to discover in all seasons.

The visits are guided, are in French and last an hour.
Free paper translations are provided so do not hesitate to ask for one.
We are open :

July and August visits everyday from 10.30 A.M. The last visit of the day is at 5 P.M..
From Easter to the 1st Nov visits are every day at 3 P.M. and 4 P.M..
From 1st Nov to Easter visits are on Sundays, Bank holidays and Bordeaux holidays at 15h00 and 16h00.
Christmas holidays there is a visit every day at 3 P.M. except on the 25th December.
Everyday of the year group visits are organized in English, see below.
Entrance fee 2023 :

Adults ................................................10,50 euros
Children & students (free under 6) .........8 euros

For groups prices please contact us.
The visit gives you access to the parc and the private apartments of the castle; also you will see Viollet le Duc’s decorative masterpiece inside and his Moresque chapel, one of the most beautiful in Europe
Group Visits - from Easter to end of october by appointment only (actually closed).
contact :
Discover this farm with its rare 18th and 19th century interiors and feel the lives of our country ancestors, their pragmatism, resourcefulness and their evolution in time. You will also see Bazas cattle. These nearly went extinct in the 1970 and are recognizable by their grey coating and white “glasses” around their eyes.

For groups prices please contact us.
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